What is the Nocturnal Adoration Society? The Nocturnal Adoration Society of the United States is an association for Catholic men and women. It was established in accordance with Church Law on November 28, 1928, and is officially affiliated with the Archconfraternity of Nocturnal Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament established in Rome in 1810.
Our chapter here in St. Marks has been active for over 20 years.
Threefold purpose of Nocturnal Adoration Society:
To provide a fervent response to Christ’s invitation to keep prayerful vigil with Him.
To deepen the experience of communion with Christ Eucharistic, as He continues His self-offering and saving influence.
To live more consciously and actively the full significance of the Eucharist as the Sacrament of charity and unity for the Church and the world.
You have possibly heard of perpetual adoration. Some churches around the world have the exposed Sacrament all year long – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There is someone present with the Blessed Sacrament at all
times. Nocturnal Adoration uses a program for each hour that consists of readings, prayers and silent meditation.